SharePoint Saturday Los Angeles 2019

I want to send out a huge thank you to the SharePoint Saturday Los Angeles team for letting me talk about my journey to the Cloud. This was an incredible event in the Southern California area. Thank you for adding me at the last minute to fill gaps.

My presentation for this year's event was Don't Fear if the Forecast is Cloud! where I talked about my journey from Server Hugger to lover of Cloud and Modern Engineering. I know it can be a tough situation when you don't have all the information. There is mo much FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt) about the Cloud and I hope to clear at least a start of that. My journey has been rough at times as I had to change my mindset and learn new skills to enable my change. Do not feel bad if you are having a rough time with the change; that is a very normal response.

To help you get through some of the rough times and questionsabout the Cloud or my journey, feel free to leave a comment and I can resond. If you want to ask me a question privately, use my contact form on the site.


SharePoint Saturday Ensenada 2019


SharePoint Saturday Ensenada 2019